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New Tabs Feature at All Jackpots

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 26, 2008

You can now play five games at once with the new tabs feature at All Jackpots Casino from the Jackpot Factory Group. This feature gives you easier access to the games and casino features for a more dynamic gaming experience.

Here's what you can do with the new tabs feature:

* Open and play up to five game screens at once!
* Switch easily between the screens by clicking the tabs.
* See what's happening on inactive tabs with the Live Mini View.
* Multi-task! Set one game on auto-play while you play another.
* Open any combination of screens including games, tournaments, the bank, PlayCheck, My Account,
News, or any other feature.

Does not sound bad at all!

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
That is awesome. Even though I would not be playing five games at once, I only play a few games and I hate having to go back, find a game and load it up again. This way I could load all my favorites and then just keep going back and forth without loading them!
