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Soccer Wife Swap

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Soccer Wife Swap

Try to spin the characters to make complete outfits There are three bodies that are showing when you start the game. Those three bodies are all split into four parts (the head, the chest, the stomach and the legs) There are eight different characters that can be completed. You can either take your chance on one body, two bodies or all three bodies. Once you have staked your bet you click on the SPIN button and all four parts of the bodies you bet on start spinning. Once they have all stopped spinning you will get paid if any of them have complete characters or 3/4 of a complete character. You will be paid according to the pay schedule.

If the Bonus should show up on any of your body parts, you will be taken to the Bonus Round. The Bonus Round consists of a kicker, a goalie and the Net. You will choose if your soccer ball should go left or right. If you choose correctly and get a goal, you are awarded a prize and get to continue. If you choose the wrong direction, you lose and are taken back to the regular game. You can win up to five times by choosing correctly each time.

This game is HILARIOUS!! The combinations that pop up are very entertaining I had a blast playing in the FUN mode.

<OBJECT codeBase='http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0' height='60' width='468' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' VIEWASTEXT><pARAM name='_cx' value='5292'><pARAM name='_cy' value='3466'><pARAM name='FlashVars' value=''><pARAM name='Movie' value='https://www.32redaffiliates.com/flash/32red_carpet_468x60_7.swf'><pARAM name='Src' value='https://www.32redaffiliates.com/flash/32red_carpet_468x60_7.swf?clickTag=http://www.32red.com/?BTAG=32RedBanAff62985'><pARAM name='WMode' value='Window'><pARAM name='Play' value='-1'><pARAM name='Loop' value='-1'><pARAM name='Quality' value='High'><pARAM name='SAlign' value=''><pARAM name='Menu' value='-1'><pARAM name='Base' value=''><pARAM name='AllowScriptAccess' value='always'><pARAM name='Scale' value='ShowAll'><pARAM name='DeviceFont' value='0'><pARAM name='EmbedMovie' value='0'><pARAM name='BGColor' value=''><pARAM name='SWRemote' value=''><pARAM name='MovieData' value=''><pARAM name='SeamlessTabbing' value='1'><pARAM name='Profile' value='0'><pARAM name='ProfileAddress' value=''><pARAM name='ProfilePort' value='0'><pARAM name='AllowNetworking' value='all'><embed src='https://www.32redaffiliates.com/flash/32red_carpet_468x60_7.swf?clickTag=http://www.32red.com/?BTAG=32RedBanAff62985' quality='high' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='468' height='60'> </embed></OBJECT>​


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
OMG haha I have never seen this one Jo! Looks too funny!:laugh


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
YESSS thats what I meant!!!!! Sheeesh my brain is fried these days!!:hit
