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Streak Gaming Fan Photo Contest (WIN CASH PRIZES!)

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008

We think Streak Gaming is the best Online Gaming site on the internet. We believe many
of our members feel the same way. To prove it, we are going to give out some CASH for
the two Streakers that show us that they are the best Fan!

We have a $100 Cash Prize and a $75 Cash Prize available for this awesome contest. All
you have to do to enter is to take a picture with StreakGaming.com somewhere in your
photo. Or, maybe you would rather take a video and enter. As long as it includes
StreakGaming.com in it, that is acceptable also!

Use your imagination and enter as many times as you want up to 5 photos and / or 5 videos.
Just be sure each photo or video is entered separately. You must include StreakGaming.com
in the photo and that it must be G rated! Remember even though our members are all adults,
there are always children looking over adults shoulders and also we do not want anyone to feel
uncomfortable or offended by anything at the Streak.

The other thing is that it must be your original photograph and it can not be photoshopped.
When we say it must be your photo, we mean you must find a way to fit StreakGaming.com
into your photo and take it. You can not take someone else's photo (or an old one of yours)
and then edit it to say StreakGaming.com.

If you do not follow all of the rules of this contest, you will be disqualified.

Here is a list of those rules (Subject to change):

1. All entries are subject to approval before being entered.
2. You must use StreakGaming.com in the photo or video.
3. If you choose to do a video, it must be under 2 minutes in length.
(you could do a review of the forum even! No profanity!)
4. You may NOT advertise yourself or any company or site, only Streak Gaming is to be used.
5. All entries but be kept G Rated. We do not allow nudity, profanity, or any thing that a
child looking over a parents shoulder could see that is inappropriate. Remember also, we have
casino reps here many times.
6. All work must be original. It is illegal to take someone elses photo and add your own titles.
We will not accept photoshopped items either. Find a way to fit StreakGaming.come in and
take the photo yourself.
7. Do not use peoples names! This is the internet and you should try and keep privacy a
priority. Remember also that what gets put on the internet, stays on the internet. So be
sure to make it something you are proud of.
8. All photos and videos submitted become the property of Streak Gaming. You are giving
us permission to use on Facebook, Twitter or other Social Networking sites. We will never
sell or give away the rights however. They will ONLY be used to promote Streak Gaming
9. Send all entries to [email protected] with Photo Contest in the subject line. Please
remember to add your forum name in the email. We will screen all entries.
10. Once you have sent us your entry, you will need to post below that you sent us your
entry and you must also post that you have read all rules and agree to them.
11. Cash Prizes paid to PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, you must get
one before we can pay you if you win!​

Please Note: *There is a limit of 5 photos and / or 5 videos per member.

Below are just a few examples of photos and also a video. Please do not copy the ideas,
you need to come up with your own original ideas! The better the idea, the better the chance of
winning some CASH! Get your kids, your pets, your town, your favorite sports or activity in the
picture. The sky is the limit on the possibilities for this.

At the end of the contest we will have the Streak members vote on their favorites. Then we will take
top 10 and take votes for the best of those. You will want to have all your friends and family to be
able to vote, so be sure to get everyone over here to register before voting begins!


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Lifetime Streaker
May 1, 2009
A photo has been sent...I should really be a photographer :lol

I have read and agree to the terms and rules!!!

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Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Good luck Iamagambler and thanks for joining in on this contest! :clap


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
:woohoo, we have our first entry! Thanks Iamagambler! Good luck.

Hey guys, there are some cool apps for you iPhones. There is a really cool one called Instagram and a few others that let you make your image look nice! As long as they are your own image, you can do that.

Also, once you send in your image you MUST post in this thread that you sent it and that you read and agree to all the rules we posted. Then when we approve your image, we will edit it in to your post!
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Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Thanks for you entry Iamagambler!! Awesome pic :) This is going to be so fun seeing all the cool photos/videos that are sent in!


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Please remember these entries MUST have StreakGaming.com on them when you take them. (A sign or something) You can NOT use an old image or video and then just photoshop (or any other program) to add the words in.


Lifetime Streaker
Dec 23, 2008
I have read all the rules and agree to them.
User jensia

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Thanks Jensia, if you sent the photo (or video) to us we will make sure it is eligible and then add to your post. Good luck! :clap


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
This is such a cool contest. I wish I could enter. I would love to win $100 CASH for taking a picture! :clap


Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
Yeah I thought everyone would have a lot of fun with this one
