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Pray for my son, please...

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Senior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
My son, Zack, spent 9 years in the Navy in the intelligence division. He speaks several languages and is a wonderful person, quite remarkable. However, he left the military on a medical leave. Basically, he suffered a breakdown due to his experiences, and after two years of treatment, and a lot of depression, he has vanished.

Three weeks ago he left our home, I thought he was going to work, with just his clothes, guitar in the trunk and his car. We did not hear from him for a day or so and I thought he had gone to see a friend, which he had said he might do, but when I did not hear from him for three days, I started calling around. He wasn't at the VA hospital, as he had gone to before. He was not at the home he has in Austin. Then he wrote to his sister, an email, and said he needed some time away. I called his office, they said he no longer worked there, and then I really got scared.

I sent him an email, which he answered the next day. I had said that I was giving him a couple of days to get in touch with me or I was going to call the police and report him missing. His note to me said that if I tried to have him put in a hospital, or if I sent the police looking for him, he would disappear and I'd never hear from him again.

Now, after a few emails (he threw away his cell phone and will not call me), he says he is in Arizona and plans to live in the wild, on an Indian reservation or in the mountains for a while.

What do you do about a grown man who will not come home? Nothing. I have contacted therapists, the VA, an attorney, talked to a police officer, and unless he hurts himself or someone else, I can't have him committed for observation.

I learned that he tried to give away everything in his home, beds, electronics, everything, but his neighbor, who is a good friend to him, made him stop. That was after he left my home in Houston, headed to Austin for a day, and then apparently kept driving toward California until his car broke down in Flagstaff. Now, he wants to forget all of us, he says, until God leads him to his "true path."

Everyone tells me that I have to let him do what he wants to do, but all I can think about is him sleeping in homeless shelters or outside, or meeting the wrong kind of person who will harm him.

Actually, he's a black belt and he's got some money each month, so I know he MIGHT be alright, but hey, I'm his mother and I just worry. He left here with nothing, and says that is what he wants...no ties to anyone.

Your prayers would be most appreciated. I, myself, am praying that he realizes he needs to get back on his medication and comes back home. I'm also praying for God to help me relax, mostly because I have heart and lung issues and the stress could land me in the hospital. I'm pretty strong willed, but his sudden departure has me baffled and confused and worried.

Thank you for letting me share and thank you for praying for him.


Lifetime Streaker
Jan 17, 2008
I feel your pain, my SIL is pretty much the same way.. giving everything away, quitting her job, alienating her family and her friends.. unsure if she is still in the treatment center or if she has gotten out and disappeared.

And as you said nothing you can do but pray and hope that God knows what he is doing..


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
I am so sorry you are going through this notesfromabroad. You must be sick with worry!! I will keep Zack in my thoughts and prayers sweetie!:eek:


Lifetime Streaker
May 1, 2008
My heart breaks for you. I will pray everyday untill he makes it home safe and sound! You also need to take care of yourself!!!


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
I am so sorry Notes that this has happened, I cannot imagine the pain and worry you have right now. I will pray he finds his way soon and comes home.:eek:


Senior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Thank you all for your kind words and sharing. I believe in the power of prayer, and with collective prayers I know a bubble of protection will at least try to envelop him.

"Life is short...and it's long, too."
Sweet Potato Queens, Jackson, MS


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 3, 2008
I am so sorry you are going thru this I will keep you and your son and my prayers that he comes home real soon


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Oh Notes, I agree with everything the other ladies have told you hon. I will keep your son and you in my thoughts and prayers. I have three grown sons and can not imagine what I would be going through in your shoes! Have faith in him, he needs to find "his way!":eek:


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Awww Notes, that made me so sad to read that. Of course I will keep your son in my thoughts and prayers; that goes without saying.

Know that you are not alone in your worry. My sister decided that doing crack was more fun than raising her family etc and just up and left. She has mental issues and also stopped taking her medication. I feel for you, hon.

There really isn't anything you can do, BUT pray for him. Do take care of yourself meanwhile...when he does come back he will need you to be in the best health you can be in.

:eek::eek::eek: for you.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
My brother did this but he had no known medical problems and never served in armed forces'. I wanted to kill him for what he put my mom through.
My heart and Prayers go out to you and that your son returns safe.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Oh, sweetie! I'm so sorry to hear this awful news. I will pray for both you and your son!:eek:
