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Anyone actually win at Rivals anymore?

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I mean..here we guys deposits about $20,000/day ($40,000 with bonsues included)at Rivals and actually no member here seem to win anything above $500...Obout a year ago I got my balance up over $1000 very often...also made several $2000+ withdrawals now and then. Now my balance go strait down to zero balance without any significant win at all. That + I dont see any winners here make me very suspisious...what is goin on?? What have you guys cashout out the last months?


Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
Hi ceks! I managed two small withdrawals last week on 25 dollar deposits, one for 200 one for 300 - glad to have it to play on, but definitely nothing to write home about. March was the last time I hit anything of any decent size at any Rival. Had two other similar withdrawals about 2 weeks prior to that... but it was just getting my own deposits back, definitely not a win situation.


Hi labell, yeah we both won alot about a year ago at the Rivals...I wonder why Rivals are so tight these days, and $200 or $300 in withdrawals are just a drop in the ocean of deposits... I rarely see anyone win over $1000-$2000 here.
I deposit alot, mostly I get twice the amount with a 100% match + all those free chips given out between deposits. A $100 deposit of my own money actually and up in almost $300 in deposits into my account, still I cant win anything at all. I belive there is something we players dont know about, and for ex. SlotoCash gave a $125!! ND bonus with no max cashout to most of their players...even me that have had my account closed for a loong time and few deposits. They cant be serious doin that if they were not proctected in some way for ex by worthless payout % attached to the bonus.
I wonder if they counts each bonus credited as an actual withdrawal when it suppose to be counted as a deposit...if not the player are doomed to lose from the beginning of that gamesession.
And how many times havent I played $2/spins strait down to a $0.3 balance without winning anything at all and no free spins at all and when on my last spin with only 3 lines activated I trigger a free spin and win alot back on that spin...which if I would have bet $2 on that spin would have given me a small fortune....is that really random or just a deliberate act of the casino system to smoothe out the payout %.
Everytime I play a Rival Im hoping it will prove me wrong but too many times it prove me right...

I wonder how the Rivals can stay alive... 95-97%% average payout %...$30 from a deposited $100 goes to the affililates...$70 left...meaning the casino cant gain anything if they dont have less than 70% payout %...ontop of that add all the bonus money credited...$100 bonus for the 100% match offer and the all the free chips....HMMM?? How do they do it if their average payout % is around 95-97%??
Where do they get their moneis? Magic? I really would like to know...


Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
well I'd think the costs of doing business would basically be the same at all online casinos... regardless of what sofware they run... I think your example percentages on costs is off...

My averages would naturally be lower right now anyway because I am not playing in the manner I was a year ago... But I don't think many people are.
And I think the worldwide economy is having a great affect on these businesses also...

I do try to be very selective about what bonuses I accept... But I still can rarely make it through playthrough - or at least it seems that way.


Lifetime Streaker
Dec 8, 2008
About a month ago I had a couple of good runs at Simon Says. Both times I deposited 100.00 and one time I cashed out for 2000.00 and then for 3500.00. I was betting 2.00 a spin, never more than that. So I think it just comes in spurts. I also cashed out 1300.00 at Tradition. I have made many deposits in a bunch of different rivals since with not even a hint of a decent bonus round. I know it gets frustrating but when it does turn around it seems like you can't lose. It never lasts as long as the losing does though. Hope we all have a winning year! Wishing you both lots of luck!


Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
missmichelle, would you mind, what were you playing? Do you have a favorite slot or two? just curious that way too lol thanks!


Lifetime Streaker
Dec 8, 2008
I mainly switch between psychedelic sixties and scary rich and once in a while fixer upper. I have had huge hits on all three of those with 2.00 bet. 1900.00 on psychedelic sixties, 1800.00 scary rich and 1500.00 on fixer upper. I don't stay long at fixer upper but I did get the three wilds in the free spins with the guys. Those seem to be the ones that you can win big amounts with lower bets. Hoping we all get to winning in the new year. Lots of luck to you!


I wish I had you luck missmichelle! :slotdude

I mainly play that Switch in Time slot nowadays...but it seem to be very tight after a short period of time..when it was new I got 4 green ladies once in a while gicing I think 45 spins at x6 multiplier which could give alot but it usually dont..hoping to get all 5 green ladies for a 9x multiplier and I think more than 70 free spins one day!

Thanks for sharing your choice of games, Ill give them a try! chmny


Pro Streaker
Jul 24, 2009
ack in nov. i made 2 deposits first one was 25.00 with a bonus...the next day i made a deposit of 30.00 no bonus and the machines could do nothing wrong...i still have the screenshots...i played gobbler gold and fixer upper...i cahed out $2300 dollar i reveresed 300 waiting to get paid it went so fast i knew not to reverse any more....

p.s. i would like to see a playthrough countdown like RTG and mg casinos...imho..i think that is where they get you...u ask chat how much wageing do i have left they say 900. u go back and play 5.00 a hand for about an hour, go back to chat and say how much more wagering do i have to go and chat says u still have 500.00 more to go...yeah freaking right...

i think that is where they get u at when u take a bonus seems like u never make wr..


Junior Streaker
Oct 2, 2009
Here's one thing I have totally noticed as of late! When you get the free spin bonus rounds, you hardly ever see the wild symbols. I am really starting to wonder when you get the free spins if they don't reduce the wild symbols during the free spin rounds because no more are the free spins over and you will see 2-3 wild symbols on the reels again. Talk about fixed if that is the case! OUCH!


Im starting to closing down Rivals permanently now...I wish I never re-open many of them. Cocoa and Paradise8 are next...they are very nice with bonuses but Ive never ever in my life had any luck at all at these two, even though I get atleast a 100% match on each depposit and $25-$100 ND beteween each deposit... It just a big joke, Im telling ya...today I deposit some and my payout % were about 2% and the very very few free spins I gave were just humilitating... maybe won little bit over $1 on a triggered feature on 80cent bet... LMAO..
Ive never trusted Rival fully and this is it...Ill execute them one after another...



Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
This thread is being moved to where it belongs, News and Views


Lifetime Streaker
May 5, 2008
Rivals are the only ones I seem to do good at. Don't like Micros in general. Like the RTG games but have never cashed out. It seems that most of the time you need to hit a random or a really good bonus round to cash out. For me I think its finding the right games at the right time for the Rivals. I know you said you play Switch in time//I never have luck with that game. If you are playing I-Slots I think Spy Game and Fixer Up are good ones. You can easily get a couple hundered dollars on the bonus round for less then a dollar a spin. Gobblers Gold and Travel Bug and sometimes Winter Wonders are good for me for the regular slots. I also think picking the right casino helps too. The only complaint I have about the rivals are the cash out times- they take soooo long. 2-5 BUSINESS days in my opion is not necessary especially if you are at some kind of VIP level.



I-slots are the same as ordinary Video Slots...I dont understand the difference..its just about luck and bad luck.

Spy Game can be soo very tight and wont give anything at all for a veeeery long time.....I guess all games can be that way since all game have pretty mush the same payout %, 94%-97%...it shouldnt mattter what game you play in the long term and I do play others too... You can easily get a couple of $100´s on Switch in time on a very low bet too if you are lucky...

And you are right about Micro casinos..I dont play much there...they actually have no fun game at all...they seem to have some kind of malfuction or incompetent game programmers...it seem impossible for the mto create a game with expanding wilds...I think Mad Hatters have one expanding middle reel...and maybe some new game that have 2 expaning...or am I wrong? Yes, they really suck..

Its RTG for me...I now and then hit a Random there and sometimes get my balance to grow quite much...and they pay fast. Wager Works have very exciting games to and Getminted.com withdrawals are instantly and automaticly processed which I just looove.

Still, Rivals games are fun but its impossible to have more bad luck than I have had lately....just amazing. I need to take action to make them understand they scare players away instead of ripping them off which is their final goal.


Lifetime Streaker
Dec 8, 2008
It doesn't much matter what software I play at, when my luck is bad it is bad. Then all of a sudden it will turn around and I can have hits on everything. I know it is gambling and I don't mind losing so much but I can't stand when in a few minutes my 100.00 is gone in the blink of an eye. I wouldn't mind if I could just get a little bit of play. Last night I played at inet and claimed a bonus for a match. I deposited 50.00 and got 50.00. I actually played for hours and hours. I didn't cash out in the end but I felt like I did. I got lots of bonus rounds. It was actually the longest playtime I have had in a long time. I liked that in the end I really felt like I got my monies worth.

About a month ago I was playing at Red Flush and I was playing 4 hand double double bonus poker. I was betting max at .50 and got dealt four 2's with the kicker. It paid 1600.00. I didn't cashout and I have been kicking myself for that one ever since. lol We all know how that goes. But at least I got to have some fun. Bottom line for me is getting to play. (like most of us) I don't feel so ripped off when I get to do that for more than a few minutes. I really get gambling and I know you can't win all the time. All I ask for is some hope.

Hoping the casinos loosen up for us in the coming year. Jackpots for everyone!!!


Lifetime Streaker
Mar 14, 2009
Well, i'm emarrassed to say, but last week, i made a deposit of $25 taking advantage of that 800% bonus i had won from the contest here and lost it very quickly, then i made another $25 deposit of $25 and Scary Rich2 was on fire!!!

i quickly ran up to $1000 and eventually got up to $3100 and my dumb to make a long story short, played it all back. I am still kicking myself in the ass everyday since.

I won the majority of it on Scary Rich2 hitting big freespin rounds and one nice hit for $1000 during the bonus round on Jaques Pot.

I have some nice screenshots but didn't post them caused i was so embarrassed of what i did.

All i needed to do was make the withdrawal and flush it, and didn't do it once. Shocked my damn self that i did this, but its another lesson to be learned, and that was the highest i had ever gotten for a cashout oppertunity.

Well, maybe next time, i'll think twice before playing on. But for the story, last week was up to $3100 and could have cashed out.



Lifetime Streaker
Mar 6, 2008
That is very very nice screen shots...

Don´t never forget the cash out button..I know it is there somewhere...


Lifetime Streaker
Dec 8, 2008
Well, i'm emarrassed to say, but last week, i made a deposit of $25 taking advantage of that 800% bonus i had won from the contest here and lost it very quickly, then i made another $25 deposit of $25 and Scary Rich2 was on fire!!!

i quickly ran up to $1000 and eventually got up to $3100 and my dumb to make a long story short, played it all back. I am still kicking myself in the ass everyday since.

I won the majority of it on Scary Rich2 hitting big freespin rounds and one nice hit for $1000 during the bonus round on Jaques Pot.

I have some nice screenshots but didn't post them caused i was so embarrassed of what i did.

All i needed to do was make the withdrawal and flush it, and didn't do it once. Shocked my damn self that i did this, but its another lesson to be learned, and that was the highest i had ever gotten for a cashout oppertunity.

Well, maybe next time, i'll think twice before playing on. But for the story, last week was up to $3100 and could have cashed out.

I really feel for you. I am sure the majority of us here have done it before. Probably many times. I used to blow it all the time. Hubby and I would be playing and having so much fun we wouldn't want to quit. We have gotten so much better about it. Most of what we cashout goes back in to several different places. When we do go on a real streak which isn't very often, then we send some home and do something special with it. Hope you win just as much again and hit the cashout button.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
my dumb to make a long story short, played it all back. I am still kicking myself in the ass everyday since.

I am kicking my own azz right beside you :) I had 4k once in a casino and lost it all back!
