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Blaze Poker At Stan James Poker

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Staff member
Jan 17, 2008

Blaze Poker has arrived - Fire your way to the tables for some fast online poker action fun at Stan James Poker

What is Blaze Poker?

Blaze Poker is a new fast-paced cash game format where instead of joining a single table, you join a large pool of players, playing at the same stake range. You play according to the same rules as your favourite cash games, except your opponents change every hand.

The basic rules of poker still apply.
At the beginning of each hand, the system randomly seats players from the pool at different tables. When you complete or fold your hand, you are immediately moved back to the pool and the system randomly assigns you to another table. You do not have to wait until the original hand is complete. So Blaze Poker has fast-paced game play, as hands are played quickly and continuously.

Blaze Poker tables are visible in two places in the lobby:
Blaze Poker tables are listed with other cash tables for each selected stake range in the Choose Your Table panel.
For quick reference, the Blaze icon is displayed next to each Blaze Poker table in the lobby

Option in Choose Your Game. A Blaze Poker option is available in the Choose Your Game panel. When it is selected, more information about Blaze Poker is displayed and only Blaze tables are displayed in the Choose Your Table panel.

 For Blaze Poker tables, the Seats column in the Choose Your Table panel displays the total number of players currently in the pool. If a player has joined the game multiple times, this field counts the player multiple times, so it is not a unique count.
 The View Details and Play panel displays information about the seats, such as 6-Seater Blaze Table.
 Double-clicking a Blaze Poker table in the Choose Your Table list opens the table.

Buy-in Notes:
 Auto Buy-in and Auto Top-up are available for Blaze Poker tables.
 Auto Post Blinds is defaulted to on. You cannot change this setting.
 You can play at multiple tables by joining more Blaze tables from the lobby. Or you can click the +1 button on the table to open a new Blaze Poker table.
 If you choose to play at multiple tables, you are never seated at the same table more than once. So there is no chance of playing against yourself.

Playing a Blaze Poker Hand

Blinds are assigned to players who have played the longest without posting them.
When appropriate, the standard Fold, Check, Bet and Raise buttons are displayed on the table.
Time Bank is available. You are given a specific number of seconds per table. The Time Bank is then increased by a specific number of seconds, after a set number of hands are dealt to the player at the table. There is also a maximum limit for the Time Bank. For example, a player starts with a Time Bank of 30 seconds at a table. Their Time Bank is increased by 10 seconds after they are dealt 50 hands at the same table, but their Time Bank cannot exceed 2 minutes

A Sit Out checkbox is available. If the player selects this checkbox, the table the player sees becomes an empty table that they are seated at. An I’m Back button is available for the player to re-join the game. If they click this button, they are seated at an empty table where they can wait for enough players to join the table to start the hand

Quick Fold
A new Quick Fold button is available on Blaze Poker tables. The button is clickable even if it is not the your turn. You can click this button to fold and move to a new table without having to wait for the hand to complete.
When you click the button, you are seated at an empty table where you wait for enough players to join to start the hand.
When you choose to Quick Fold, the other players at the table still see the you seated until the hand is complete.
The Quick Fold button is available only when you do not have the option to Check.

Closing the Table
 If you are playing at only one table and you close the table, you are removed from the Blaze Poker game.
 If you are playing at multiple tables and you close one table, yoou are removed from the corresponding hand. However, you are not removed from the game as you are still playing in other instances.
 When you close a table, the Leave Table dialog box is displayed and the you are removed automatically from the game. You are not placed into another hand while the dialog is displayed. If you cancel the Leave Table dialog, you are placed in Sit Out mode. You will need to click the I’m Back button to re-join the game.

Logging Out
If you log out of the client during a Blaze Poker game, you are removed from the game. This includes removal from all game instances, if you are multi-tabling.

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