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happy hump day streakers

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Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
goodmorning streakers,hope you all have a great hump day.may god bless you all with health,wealth,and happiness on this beautiful day.last night i got out of town family here so here is what i am cooking today.for out of town guest i am making roast beef sandwichs with melted cheese(tip for a quicky roast beef sandwich go to local deli get roast beef put in frying pan heat on both sides add cheese on top let it melt then put on a bun wa la hot beef sandwich/with cheese_they are also getting french fries and cole slaw.and hot fudge sunday for dessert.now for my family cause its still lent i am making home made chicken and turky pot pies,mixed garden salad with 3 types of lettuce and for dessert hot fudge sunday.have a wonderful winning day streakers.god bless hug's alea


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Love the hot fudge sundae thing!! That is my one weakness!!
