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jmo on the micro

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Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
i quite micro(all the casino that have it) when they took all the big jackpots away from u.s.a. players.i use to love major millions and won my fair share on it.i am not a rivil fan.so i kept looking for a casino that had big jackpots and great bonus not to mention tournaments that were free and low on buy in prices.and i found it in the vegas tech software.go casino, vegas online, and all the rest of them the streak does support this group of casinos by the way.i also love winaday casino andslotland they are terrific places to play at. i to do not like the way micro has treated u.s.a players.thats why i took my money else were.but thats just me.if you dont like whats going on with micro then dont complain about it as they dont care they will do what they want and need to do i guess.you do have the freedom to play someplace other then there.you must also give this change in micro a chance to see what they have to offer you as this takes some time to do what changes they are going to do for usa players.so before you pick what you would like to do keep an open mind and see what happens.you have lots of time and many options.this is jmo on this matter.remember all good things come to thos that wait.micro just might surprise you and if they dont you have lost nothing and can find another place.hug's alea


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
I understand exactly how you feel Alea. Although I do believe in the long run will this benefit us all. Micro was originally going to exclude all US players as of June 1st so we would have had no option at all to play at any Micro at that point, This may not be the best at the moment but at least US will still be able to play and not be cut off completely.
