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Thought of the Day...

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 29, 2008
Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013

Today is my sister's birthday. She passed away back on March 16, 1996. Ironic, I'm older now than what she was when she passed. I think of her every day, along with Mom and Dad. I made a New Year's resolution to say a quick mental thank you to God for each new day he gives me and whatever it will bring. So far, I don't think I've missed any of my thank 'days' yet.

You know, I believe that sometimes even the most simple acknowledgement makes the world of difference in a person's life.

Who have you thanked for anything today?



Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
Thats a very good new year's resolution krazy




Lifetime Streaker
Feb 29, 2008
Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013

I just found out that today's Frank Zamboni's 112th birthday. This man left his mark with his invention of a modern ice resurfacer. It revolutionized the world of ice sports and events to this day. You know, great things come from even the most fleeting or smallest of ideas. And, though the world itself may not recognize your achievement, its impact may be furter reaching then even you might imagine. Think of the movie 'Pay It Forward'--that's what comes to my mind. Food for thought--what will your legacy be after you are gone?

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 29, 2008
Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013

The weather here in Boise, ID has been nothing short of a nightmare. We've had tons of snow, slush and plain old ICK on the ground since the beginning of the year. Yesterday, my daughter, Kyla (age 21) was walking up the street to catch the bus to BSU where she attends class. Well, the ground was icy and I warned her to be careful, etc. Next thing I know, her friend Bobby, who is also going to college and is living with us, came up the hall to me and said he got a text that Kyla slipped on the ice not more then a few yards from our house and couldn't get up. Well, we ran out and some nice stranger was there with her already...a young man named Chris who we found out was an RN from St. Luke's hospital. The firetrucks came and the ambulance to take my daughter to the ER. Chris left and my family followed over to the ER. Five hours later, my daughter is home with a severally sprained knee (which had popped out of its socket and back in) and is in a wheelchair. The weather is still getting worse, I'm trying to get a referral for her to see an Ortho surgeon/doctor for a follow up and have been passed from one doctor to another since yesterday. I'm waiting on a call tomorrow. Meanwhile...my thoughts go back to this young man, Chris. We never did see him again, nor heard from him. It was like he was an angel that showed up and then disappeared after the emergency was handled. That's the feeling I initially got when I first layed eyes on him as I approached my daughter layed out on the sidewalk with him watching over her.

I could get mad for the weather and scared about my daughter, but I felt calm all yesterday as my husband was losing it a bit in the ER cos things were taking so long and my daughter was in pain and scared, but felt secure with me being there (she said). Even today, as I drove her friend, Bobby, to class cos I'm the only one with the SUV that can drive in this crap, I was in a pretty good mood knowing Kyla is okay, or at least will be.

What's my point? Despite the crappy and dangerous weather, despite my daughter's injury, despite my hubby's irritation with the events as they played out (not towards my daughter, of course), that guy Chris is in my mind. Why didn't I see it before? I truly believe he was a true angel (I've experienced this type of feeling after other key incidents throughout my life before)...sent by my Mom, Dad or my sister, Donna, maybe. Or, just a guardian angel, who knows? But, I thank God for him being there until I could get to Kyla. Makes me realize no matter how much heartache I've suffered over the past few years, especially in 2012, there are definitely angels among us.

Have you seen your angel lately?
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Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
I believe there are angels among us! thanks krazy :)



Newbie Streaker
Dec 6, 2016
This is a resolution that would be so much easier, and yet more effective, to keep than 'Run 5 miles every day' and other such resolutions which burn out fast. I think I'll make it my goal for 2017s.

I'm thankful for my health. That's something we all take for granted but once it's gone, very little else matters.:thank you
