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Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops(CLOSED, WINNERS TBA)

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Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW & EXISTING

Great stories guys! keep em coming!!:cool:


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW & EXISTING

I want one of those "Nyphomaniacs" skoobeeshag posted! Sounds good! But I do enjoy some scotch on the rocks!
I am a devoted Intertops player(C1986006)



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 3, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW & EXISTING

Dont get to drunk now guys :party:party:party


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW & EXISTING

I sure could go for a glass of wine--care to have one with me??

I would love to twixie!! I need a drink, its been a long day!:beer


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 3, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW & EXISTING

long day it sure has been Carey wine sounds good right about now :tongueout:tongueout:tongueout


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW & EXISTING

Oh my I missed about the tell me a story, OK ladies first I want a diet pepsi
and Vixen over there a Rum and Coke and pull up a stool
first I'm 43 years old now, and when I did this I was 21 years old, don't judge me lolol, I use to frequent this bar and had lots of friends there, one night g/f and I saw a guy we both thought was all that, and made a pack that whoever got him the other would leave first and hide in bedroom to watch, well she got him first and I got to watch, gawdddddddd, we use to have such good times lolol, to this day we still chat about it lololol.......awwwwwwwwww to be young again lolol
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Senior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW & EXISTING

Incidentally, the story I posted earlier was only my SECOND-worst blind date. I guess I might as well post the worst one here while I'm at it... it involves drinking as well, but on my part in this case! I'll warn you that this is rather long (so I'm cutting it into 3 parts)... but worth it if you take sadistic pleasure in hearing of others' (my) misfortunes...

About 6 or 7 years ago, I came home from work one afternoon and logged onto my computer as usual. The very instant I signed on to Instant Messenger, a message popped up from a screenname I had never seen before that said, "It's about time!" I was confused and typed back, "Um... What?" "I said it's about time! I've been waiting for you all day!" Hesitantly I asked, "Um, do I know you?" "No! I read your profile and it was SO funny! I've been waiting for you all day! Can I call you?"

Yes, I stupidly gave her my phone number. As soon as I said "hello", she gasped. "Oh! I recognize your voice from somewhere! I don't know from where, but I know I know you somehow! Maybe it was in another life, haha." I thought this incredibly unlikely (and the haha at the end did sound strangely artificial...), but didn't argue the point. She asked if I wanted to go "grab a Coke somewhere and see a movie". I agreed (yeah, I was pretty desperate back then). We talked a while and I let it slip that I had won tickets to see CCR at the state fair the next week. She gushed about how much she would love to go, so I made my second huge mistake of the day and offered a SECOND date to somebody I had never met...

You're probably wondering how I could not realize yet that she was crazy. The answer is that of course I realized that. But I was operating under the misapprehension that she was crazy and HOT. Her name was Michelle... somebody named Michelle should be hot, right? Nothing could have been further from the truth...

I am not normally a superficial guy, but when I saw this chick standing in front of her apartment, I almost turned around and went home. In fact, I did drive by a couple times before my conscience got the better of me and forced me to go back. She got in the car, exclaiming, "Oh, thank God! I saw driving by and thought you weren't going to find me! I waved my arms, but I guess you didn't see..." (Yeah... that was it...)


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW & EXISTING

Taz has a great recipe for Strip n go Nakeds

which would be a great drink for the Streak don't ya think?

I think your right that sounds like a great drink for streakers

BTW does anyone know how to make a brain hemorrage would love it if you could whip me one:proud


Senior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW & EXISTING


Unfortunately, the movie we were going to see (The Blair Witch Project, which should date this story for you) was no longer playing in <ST1:pFayetteville." She was ecstatic. "Could we??" Damn. I was stuck.

So we drove over an hour to the nearest town where the movie was still playing. The drive up there went okay... we talked about normal things, music and such. We looked at CDs while waiting for the movie and I was actually secretly enjoying the fact that people were looking at us and, for once, wondering how she had hooked a guy like me, instead of the other way around as I usually felt. Even during the movie, she seemed normal enough... except for an odd habit of laughing at inappropriate moments in the film. But then on the way home...<O:p</O:p

"You said in your profile that you were weird," she stated. "I don't believe it, though. I bet I can prove that I'm weirder than you." "Please don't," I thought, but didn't say. "Have you ever seen a ghost?" she asked. "Well, no..." She then proceeded to tell me all about the little girl who lives in her closet and comes out and talks to her sometimes. And her blood brother who sends her telepathic messages from beyond the grave. Then she started pointing out various ghosts she saw as we drove along and telling me their names and how they died. She then proclaimed that I was the only person she had ever met who truly understood her (?!?).

She told me that I was very sensitive and must be an excellent telepath. "Go on," she said, "Try it. Send me a message and I'll tell you what you're thinking." I thought as hard as I could: "Get out of my car, you crazy bitch!" She threw her hand to her temple and said, "Oh, I got that loud and clear! You're thinking 'I really like her! I'm so glad I found her!'"

Then her "blood brother" started "talking" to her. "I don't know what he means by this... but he just keeps saying over and over... 'He's the one... He's the one...'." "The hell I am!" I thought at her.

We stopped off at the convenience store where I was assistant manager at the time. I went in to get a six-pack of beer, then thought better of it... and got a case instead. Sandy, who was working the graveyard shift, was staring out the window at my car. "Don't tell me that's your date..." "I don't want to talk about it," I informed her. "Okay, but if you ever get that desperate again, give me a call." (I believe I was 19 at the time. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
Fort Smith</st1:City>. She asked if I wanted to see something else. I replied, jokingly, " /><st1:City w:st="on">Sandy</st1:City> was in her mid-thirties and had a crush me... and I had a crush on her 16-year-old daughter.)

So I drove Michelle home, praying that she wouldn't ask me to come in. Sitting in her driveway, she drank a beer... and was instantly plastered. She started to cry. When I asked her what was wrong, she said, "You remember before when I said I knew you from somewhere? Well, I know where from now. We were together in a past life. And we're supposed to be in this one, too. I'm not sure that you want that... but there's nothing we can do to stop it anyway." Then, before I had a chance to come up with a reply, she told me I was beautiful (?!), kissed my hand (?!?), and went inside.


Senior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING


I went ahead and took her to the concert at the fair, but I made sure I surrounded myself with other people. I had won four tickets, but I bought two more so I could bring five friends just to be safe. But once we got to our seats, one of my so-called "friends" thought he saw somebody passing a joint in the bleachers and so they all abandoned me with her!

I never went out with her again, but she had my e-mail address and phone number and insisted that she was love with me at this point. She would send me horrible, gushing love letters in my e-mail. I, of course, forwarded these to my friends with smartass comments in the margin. One particularly awful one began "Has anyone ever felt such soul-stirring emotions as I feel for you?" I forwarded the wretched thing with an admonition to my friend Keesha to not even think about writing to Michelle. The next day, I had an e-mail from an ex-girlfriend who wrote, "Hey. You didn't say I couldn't write to her!" And she had. She had answered Michelle's original e-mail, saying, "Yes, as a matter of fact, someone has felt such soul-stirring emotion. And it was for Allen. It was ME. But, fortunately, it turned out to be only gas and passed."

Well... I was embarrassed that Michelle knew I had been making fun of her like this, but I figured at least now she'll get the message that I'm really not interested. The next day I got another e-mail from my ex. Michelle had written her back, asking her for advice on how to get me to open up to her! Cindie (the ex) couldn't resist replying: "You just have to be more direct. I know he really loves you... just be more aggressive with him."

Okay, NOW I feel like drinking until I puke up a couple vital organs.



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 3, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Keep them coming guys these stories are so funny :cool::cool::cool:


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Hey gang just got home fixed dinner( a lovely steak and salad) and am cruising the new site.....it really really nice....and have I told you that the streak and intertops rocks.............love duckey#1


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

my id is A2211218 and thank you vixen your great and i 'll have 2 of what your having you can have the rest.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 3, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Dont know if Vixen needs anymore LOLLOLLOL


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Hi everyone, anyone needs a ride home, just let me know, lmaoooo

I'll get everyone home safe, lmaooo


sandra cunningham

Newbie Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

I am not sure if I had downloaded from your casino banner or not ? I hope so and if I did my acc#SANDR527:eek:


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Dani I need a ride I am working on bottle # 2..:woohoo BRING IT!!:party


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

I guess since I work for a liquor store I guess I'll bring the Patron, (only because I get a discount,LOL )
Let's party everyone....:beer


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Oops, intertops account LI745976
I promise I haven't had my first drink yet............


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Vixen just let me know what you like to drink and I'll be sure to bring plenty for you.
Here is a recipe for all that like a martini, its my FAVORITE.
All you need is Grey Goose vodka and Apple pucker. Put equal parts vodka and pucker with ice in a shaker. Shake lightly, pour in a cold Martini glass.

I am a depositing player at intertops casino. It has been a while since I have been able to deposit due to credit card issues. I have tried to deposit many times with my netspend and for some reason the keep declining it?????
I need to submit the credit cards information then MAYBE they will approve my deposits. I don't have this problem anywhere else.......
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