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Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops(CLOSED, WINNERS TBA)

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Staff member
Jan 14, 2008

Welcome to Vixen's Lounge.
I am your host Mizzpa!

At Vixen Lounge we want you to feel right at home.
So be yourself let loose and unwind!
Step right on up to the bar and order yourself a drink.
While your at it make sure you get one for Vixen because she loves a free drink. And she may even throw you a freebie.

Have a seat and relax. Tell me all about your day, your problems and blah blah blah. Just kidding, but I'm sure we all have some really exciting stories about drinking that we
can share. Or maybe a really good recipe for a really tasty drink?

Doesn't matter because here you are family and you can get your boogie on and win some money all in the same process.

We will be giving away random amounts of $10 or even $20 to new players that download from our banner OR EXISTING depositors!! Only rule is if your new you MUST download from our banner to collect. Please leave your casino id and state if your a new player or old player at least once during the contest play.

To win all you have to do is download and register an account with InterTops Casino and stand a chance at winning of many accounts we have to give away totaling $300. How cool is that! You only need to post your casino Id if you are a NEW player that downloaded from the banner in this contest.

Please NO drinking and driving!
If anyone should need a ride home we have ya covered!
We have a dozen limos at your disposal.
So drink up. Dance the night away and have FUN!

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Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops

Alright I'll get this party started it may be before noon, but we just got done with mid winter break the kids are all back at school and I take a long island and one for you too!!

Have a great day!



Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops

LOL I tell you what after days of no sleep I am sooo ready to hit the bottle!!
It is beer time some place in this world right!:beer:beer


Lifetime Streaker
Jan 17, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops

Thanks melissa for starting us off. Oh yeah I think we are really gonna have to make sure that Vix is nice and toasted. :beer


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops

not a newbie to Intertops but GOOD LUCK ALL THAT ARE NEW, this is a great casino and loyal to us Americans.......... good luck


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops

This is for NEW AND EXISTING!!!


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops

See lol, I'm so busy chasing giggles around the board to clean up her messes...

Ok I'll take a Coffee light with one sweet n low as it's still early here, and for Vixen a stiff whatever is Top Shelf, she will need it after today lolol



Newbie Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops

Vixen please come and let me Buy you a Drink. My interops Id is neil4214 and im a existing depositing player. thank you so much and GL everybody!!


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops

Duckey is wandering around the new site filled with amazement at the hard work ya'll put into our new home..........all i can say is :wowlove duckey m4690034


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

On my way to work ....... :(

Please have a Coors Light chilled & ready for me when I get back.

See you then




Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

and for Vixen a stiff whatever is Top Shelf, she will need it after today lolol

LMAO, Vixen will need the WHOLE TOP SHELF today!!!:party


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

WOOHOOOO PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

<<(probably should quit drinkin!!! its only 11:35 on monday!

JEF51786 :party <<< i ran outta champagne now i filled this bottle with cuddy sark and a drop of water....

Recipe for a great drink try Bombay and add a little juice for color ( gatorade or rockstar )
whatever you fee like being.... lol and theycome in a variety of colors!

Reason for me Partying it up cuz hey its streakin holiday for cryin out loud and guess what!!! Read below!!!
Recently won 10,000 at intertops and was my first cashout in all my casino playin days ((since 2000!)) Intertops is great and For all the new intertops players wondering about where to deposit i would recommend here, My cashout was put in my quicktender account in less than 24 hours, and it being my first time withdrawing, let me tell yah no better support out there GO intertops!!! and thankyou streak for the great forum!


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Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW & EXISTING

:party I would love to have
Sex with an Alligator

<FORM action=/recipes/1145/ method=post></FORM>
sweet and sour mix
Midori® melon liqueur
1/2 oz raspberry liqueur
1/2 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur

Add sweet and sour & Midori to a shaker w/ice,
shake and strain. Layer in razzberry liqueur and jager.
Razzberry should go to the bottom and jager should
float on top. Works best in Martini glass.

I Love Intertops ID:LOR66568 ,and I did download from your
banner awhile back lol

Best of luck with the new site Looks great!!!!


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Alrighty Vixen I have one for you its after noon and lunch time now so this would be a great side dish...

Orange Slice Jello Shots

  • 2 x oranges
  • 1 pkg orange-flavored Jello
  • 1/2 cup Vodka

They are so good and they are really cute too. You dont have to feel bad they look like real oranges

anyone who loves jello shots has to try these





Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

:streakchips Could call those shots orangeloshots


Senior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Okay, I've got a drinking story for ya...

Several years ago my friend Keesha decided to set me up with a friend of hers, Karen. She also decided to meet this guy, Dennis, who she'd been talking to on-line. So she set up a double-date and informed me I was going. Not only that, but I had to bring Dennis with me since he was at the college I was attending. So I had to listen to this Dennis guy quoting Monty Python sketches at me for 90 minutes on the drive down before I even met the girl.

We went to TGIFridays, where I learned that Dennis had brought with him a sum of $11 for dinner and a movie for himself and his "date". Having won some money on the slots the day before, I graciously volunteered to pay the whole tab. Upon hearing this, Karen exclaimed "Hot damn!" and ran to the bar and began ordering tequilla shots. (Now keep in mind that Keesha had given me orders ahead time for ME not to embarrass HER in front of Karen!) After an unknown quantity of tequilla and several Long Island Iced Teas with dinner, Karen climbed on top of the table and yelled at the waiter, "Hey! Over here!" The waiter came over and she announced, "This is my friend Jack..." (my name's Allen) "...and this is his birthday!" (It wasn't.) "So I want you to sing to him!" The waitstaff ignored my protests and forced me to stand up and be sung at. She then handed the waiter one of my address labels that she had stolen from my car and told him, "Jack thinks you're hot. Give him a call sometime."

We got stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on our way to the movie. She got fed up with waiting and crawled into the floorboard where she started pressing the accelerator with her hand as I desperately held the brake.

We passed a Chuck E. Cheese, where she screamed until I stopped and took her in so she could interrupt a six-year-old boy's birthday party to get her picture taken with Chuck.

We then went to the mall and wandered around for a while, waiting for the movie to start. Karen was loudly, drunkenly commenting about random people we passed, so I walked at a distance... until Karen became offended at this and yelled, "Hey! See the guy in the blue shirt with the great ASS? That's my DATE!!"

When we went into the movie, I handed Karen a $20 bill to pay for our admission... She used it to pay for HERS, stuck my change in her pocket, and left me to pay for my own ticket. When we were taking our seats, she accidentally kicked the seat of the guy sitting in front of me. This HUGE dude turns around and stares at me and Karen remarks, "What the f*** do you think you're looking at??" During the course of the movie, everytime there was a kissing scene, she would stand up and exclaim, "Oh my God, they're gonna f***!" As we were leaving the movie, she took the opportunity to flash everybody in the parking lot.

Damn, after remembering all that, I feel like having a drink or several myself!:beer:beer:beer

BTW, my Intertops ID is ALL23240. (Not a new customer, though... I've been with Intertops for years.)


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

<span style="font-family:verdana; color:red;font-size:large;">Woohooo,

Welcome, Welcome Streakers!!

Let's party!!




Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Hey y'all I personally can go for a Pina Colada or Strawberry Daquiri right about now!

Okay, I have a drinking story. I started my life as a lush quite early you see! When I was about 7, my folks had a bottle of Manischewitz wine, which is very sweet and dark. Thinking it was grape juice, I poured myself a hearty glassful and downed it in a few gulps. I have only a brief recollection of the room suddenlly spinning and collapsing in a heap. I woke up in bed hours later, luckily sans the hangover headache. Too bad, THAT early hangover lesson may turned me into a tea totller!

i.d. PA232749



Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

depositing player

id is ch267067

i really dont have a good drinking story now, buttttttttttttttt after being prego for 9 months, then having a newborn (need to be able to hear him at night)---- i reallyyyyyyyyy need a night out of drinking to destress....lol

all of your recipes sound great:thanks

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Re: Vixen's Lounge Sponsored by Intertops NEW &amp; EXISTING

Dipstick, your story was hilarious! Unbelievable, this is a great idea for a "blind date" episode of some sitcom! LOL

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