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(CLOSED - WINNER ANNOUNCED SOON) Streak Gaming Holiday Gift Basket Raffle Drawing!

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Added to Calendar: 11-07-18


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008

'Tis the season for GIVING and this Holiday Season
we are giving away a beautiful Holiday Gift Basket to one of our members!
Use it to treat yourself or gift it to someone special for the Holiday Season.

(Actual gift basket may vary from picture)

Just post in this thread that you would like to enter.
There is only one entry per member.
The Drawing will be held via live raffle drawing on December 16th
so hurry and get registered.
I will post an video of the drawing.

Winner will have 48 hrs to claim this prize!

If you are not a member yet and just visiting or reading posts, be sure to register
as a member so you too will be eligible for these Raffles!

Streak Gaming has the right to extend or end a contest at their discretion
or to change the number and amount of prizes.
Prizes for this contest are paid out by Streak Gaming.


Junior Streaker
Aug 21, 2014
Good morning everyone! will you please enter me in the contest, Thank you very much Have a Blessed Holiday, Be safe, and eat lot's of food Yummy.
