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Texas Governor Greg Abbott changes his tune regarding casino gambling expansion

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Jan 17, 2008
Source - GamingAmerica

He said he is willing to listen to proposals if he wins the next election.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has said he is “willing to listen to the gaming industry's proposals” and is open to the idea of expanding
Texas casino gambling if reelected, according to sources close to him.

Abbott had previously been “wholeheartedly” opposed to any casino expansion in the state, but his press secretary Renae Eze noted
the governor is now approaching the topic with an open mind.

Eze commented: “We don’t want slot machines at every corner store, we don’t want Texans to be losing money that they need for
everyday expenses, and we don’t want any type of crime that could be associated with gaming.

“But, if there is a way to create a very professional entertainment option for Texans, Governor Abbott would take a look at it.”
During his gubernatorial campaign, Abbott's Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke has affirmed support for the expansion of Texas gambling.

O’Rourke said: “From listening to Texans across the state, it’s one, a very popular proposal, and two, it would also help us address some
of the challenges we have in reducing inflation and property taxes in the state.

“So, I think that warrants a very close look, and it’s something I’m inclined to support.”

Though Governor Abbott is on board when it comes to considering additional casino, he stated he is not interested in turning Texas into “another Las Vegas.”

Texas has become a coveted state for gaming companies. Las Vegas Sands SVP of Government Relations Andy Abboud said:
“Texas is considered the biggest plum still waiting to be out there in the history of hospitality and gaming.”

However, some state lawmakers remain opposed to expanded gambling. The state's Republican Party recently passed a revised
platform asking GOP lawmakers to resist the push for casino expansion.

The party said in a statement: “We oppose any expansion of gambling, including legalized casino gambling. We oppose and call for a veto of any budget that relies on the expansion of legalized gambling as a method of finance.”
