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Calls for sports betting to be legalized and for boost on taxes on casinos in Missouri

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Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
'Source - GamingAmerica

The legislation has been suggested in order to generate more money for nursing homes.
State lawmaker in Missouri, republican Representative Dave Griffith, proposed that Missouri should boost taxes
on casinos and legalize Sports Betting to generate more money for the state’s seven nursing homes for military veterans.

The main purpose of this would be to help pay for employees in the facilities, which are understaffed, so that more residents can be served.

Griffith plans on bringing legislation into practice in January that would boost a $2 per person entrance fee paid
by casino operators by at least $1 to benefit the nursing homes. He will have support for his proposal from the
Missouri Association of Veterans Organizations.

History shows that it may actually be a difficult proposal to put through.

The Missouri Gaming Association has strongly opposed raising the entrance fee and has been in the middle of
difficult negotiations with regards to making Sports Betting legal.

Patrons at casinos don’t directly pay entrance fees, something that hasn’t been changed since casinos were
legalized back in the 1990s. Currently half of the proceeds go to the state and half to the home-dock city or county.

In 2012, former Governor Jay Nixon unsuccessfully attempted to raise the fee by $1. In 2019, republican Senator
Mike Bernskoetter introduced legislation to raise the fee by $1 to help pay for a new museum in the capital city
featuring riverboats, but that was also unsuccessful.

In September, a coalition of Missouri professional sports teams signed a petition in support of legalizing Sports Betting in the state.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
They cannot seem to get their act together, $ for nursing homes would be amazing!
