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Simon Says Promotions for New players

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Staff member
Feb 25, 2008

Simon's Casino Promotions

Get $250 free in match promotions instantly. All new players are eligible for three match promotions and $20 absolutely free.

Complete all three promotions and be entered automatically into Simon Says Society club as a lord. Members will receive an additional $10 free upon completion of the third 40% match promotion.
$20 Free

All new bonus eligible players will receive $20 free no deposit required!

Example :
Get $20 Free and win free money on us!
100% up to $100 - First Deposit

On your first deposit at the casino you will be eligible for a 100% promotioin.

Example :
Deposit $100, get $100 FREE
50% up to $50 - Second Deposit

Deposit a second time with the casino and you will be eligible for a 50% promotion.

Example :
Deposit $100, get $50 FREE
40% up to $100 - Third Deposit Bonus *Induction into Simon's Society and $10 free!

Deposit a third time with the casino and you will be eligible for a 40% promotion, $10 Free, and you will initiated into the Simon Says Society club as a Lord.
Example :
Deposit $250, get $100 FREE.
