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There is something to be said for the chronic insomniac....

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Senior Streaker
May 12, 2008
So I will start the story like this. Two days before Thanksgiving I was diagnosed with a mutated form of Rheumatoid (leave it to me to be different) a month later 6 different blood disorders that will eventually turn to Leukemia. While all this was going on my "husband" was lying, sneaking and planning and attending happy hours with the new batch of sluts at his job. Things all spiraled out of control I end up with a psychiatrist, oncologist and a rhemotologist that sends my blood to California once a month to check my "levels" I have NEVER been to California but my blood gets to go often. Due to the stress I get flares, hurts like the ****ens. My "husband" thought it was funny to make jokes on how "loved the snow, loved the cold" although that very same thing visibly caused me pain. All his lies came out, but in the meantime I am sick physically, mentally and emotionally. Fast forward, I started to pray just anything so my heart would blow up in my chest, so I didn't loose my mind (Feb 13th I ended up in the hospital with a nervous breakdown behind too much at one time)

Last week I decided first and foremost I had to get away from this toxic individual and move on, because added stress doesn't help my condition. I prayed, which I don't do very often because I am not a Christian, but certainly a believer. Here is what has happened so far

Friday March 21st out of the blue the first company I worked for as a Technical Analyst - The CEO called ME. Now I have know him since we worked at the two "sugar shacks" on Main St when he first started. He just called to say hello and apologized for not returning my call from a month ago. I was just calling to say hello and congrats on the new building he is building across the street from the HQ bank I work at. He asked if I still worked at the bank, I said yes but my project ends in July. He said I guess you know now my company is worth several hundred million dollars now, and I wanted you to know that since Main St you were a part of where we are today. So look for a call from my Senior PM on Monday, you two talk and when you are ready let him know, because as long as I have a company you will always have a job....Blessing #1

I sleep about as good as a one finned fish these days, so I am up gambling of course.....and....well. The screen goes all weird and this firework display shows up, I am thinking the game is freaking out. It said "CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE WON THE RANDOM JACKPOT" Holy COW! I only won one of these once about 10 yrs ago really and I couldn't cash out because it was one of those shady casinos!

After all of this. I wondered what I would do after July, how to get away from this lying barstard ;-) in my house and how I was going to get another car cause we share one. Well, I think I am on my way.

I shared all of this so you all can know, no matter how bad things seem there are little rays of sunlight in this life. Let them warm your face!

Now to figure out how to add the screen shot to this post....well I have time! Blessings All, and if anyone is Atheist- God loves you too, you can always go to him because rather you like him or not he created YOU! :)


Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
Hi sea, firstly I am so sorry to hear that you have been so ill and that your husband has turned out to be nothing more than baggage, it's bad enough to cope with that sort of thing when you are perfectly healthy. I'm glad you are seeing a professional that can talk through these things with you, sometimes we need someone that isn't too close to the situation and can help you deal with everything. That's fantastic that you won that random, congrats it will certainly start you off with having some money to put towards a car and whatever else you will be needing when you do make the break from that horrible man. He certainly doesn't deserve you and it boils my blood to hear that someone could treat you like that when you have been so ill. As far as the screenshot is concerned do you have a photobucket account, you need to upload it to a program like that and then you can post to the forum. Good luck with everything!


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
I am so sorry for the hard times you are having Sea and glad you felt comfortable enough to reach out to all of us here. We are always here for you anytime you want to talk or vent or cry or yell! :)HG

Congrats on the random jackpot, I am soooo happy for you! :bravo


Social Networking Mod
Jan 11, 2011
thanks for posting sea, i'm glad you're getting out of the bad situation you're in and how awesome to win a jackpot!! congrats! :PD


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
How awesome you won.. Good things come to those in need! What amount did you win? Would love to see a screenshot:bravo If you send me the pic I will help


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I pray for you that you continue to find the strength these illnesses. It looks like your prayers are being answered in ways that all seem positive. Did that make sense? Sorry, I meant it all in a good way. Congrats on the random!! Would love to see a screen shot as well. :)


Senior Streaker
May 12, 2008
Thanks Everyone! I have been around here for awhile...it's weird but I don't do face book or social media but I always felt at home here...cyber home, tech home.. I guess for a IT geek i'm not so bad to make connections this way.

Vix- I still cant figure out how to send you the pic. Do you have a general email addy I can send it to, so you can post.

Don't laugh at the title of the pic, it says "Hot Damn"!:ohboy

Number 1 Nisse

Senior Streaker
Jun 12, 2010
Hi sea77.
I read your post and ended up feeling happy, feeling really happy for you. Not about you being sick, but because things seems to go your way after all the sh*t you have been through.
Your post just gave me a really nice good feeling deep inside, I wish you all the best.

:gdpstAnd good luck with the screenshot, hope you find a way :)


Junior Streaker
Feb 5, 2011
Thank goodness your getting out the messy situation,here wishing much success and happiness with the new life :)


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Sure dear sorry I was out of town the last few days.. marketing(AT)streakgaming(DOT)com
