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Weekly €1,000 Slots Tournaments Slot Tournament at Nordicbet Casino (Net Entertainment)

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Jan 17, 2008
Weekly €1,000 Slots Tournaments Slot Tournament at Nordicbet Casino

Nordicbet Casino is powered by Net Entertainment Software

Every week, from Monday to Sunday, NordicBet runs an exciting Slot Tournaments where the most active players get to share in a fantastic €1,000 prize pool! There's even €300 waiting for whoever comes out in the top spot!

All you have to do to get in on the action is open your favorite slot game, or any Classic Slot or Video game released before the start of the tournament, and start playing with a minimum bet of €1. The players with the most game rounds win!

Tournaments start Mondays at 00:01 CET and end Sunday nights at 23:59 CET.

Prize structure:

1st place: €300
2nd place: €250
3rd place: €150
4th place: €125
5th place: €50
6th-10th place: €25

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